Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test — Getting a Paternity DNA Test While Pregnant
Getting a Paternity DNA Test is easy. But is it so about getting paternity testing for an unborn child? The answer is ‘Yes’. Getting a DNA Test While Pregnant (a Prenatal Paternity Test) is as easy as the regular paternity tests.
With recent advancements in the field of DNA diagnostic (testing) services, the riskier methods of prenatal paternity tests have been replaced with a non-invasive and safer one — the ‘Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity DNA Test.’
What is a Prenatal Paternity Test, and How Safe is It?
The earlier ways of checking an unborn baby’s paternity with the alleged father used the method of amniocentesis. This included using long syringes to draw out the amniotic fluid from the womb for testing. As it was an invasive process, it was scary and carried a number of risks, of which premature delivery, miscarriages, and sepsis, were common. Oftentimes, it led to fatal consequences for the mother or the fetus, or both.
These days, getting a Prenatal Paternity Test is 100% safe. Now some of the NABL accredited DNA testing companies are providing a safe and conclusive Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity DNA Test while pregnant.
Procedure of a Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test
For a paternity DNA test while pregnant woman is still expecting the baby, only the blood sample of the mother and a buccal swab of the alleged father are required.
Mother’s blood contains the placental DNA fragments, which serve as the fetal DNA sample (DNA of the unborn baby in the womb). As the process is non-invasive, it doesn’t require puncturing through the womb to take the amniotic sample; it is completely safe. The Prenatal Paternity Test results are as accurate as a regular paternity test.
Getting a DNA test while pregnant may become a need of the hour in certain legal cases. Moreover, the parents may want to get a Prenatal Paternity Test for the baby for their peace of mind. In either case, getting a Non-invasive Prenatal Paternity DNA test is the ideal option to go with.
Where to Go for a Prenatal Paternity Test in India?
Getting a DNA test while pregnant may be a critical decision to make. One should always choose a certified DNA testing lab/company, providing 100% accurate and reliable DNA testing services in India. Furthermore, a company that is trusted by the government and various public offices, departments, etc., must be on priority.
A NABL certified DNA Testing Company is best for a Prenatal Paternity Test in India. One should do proper research before choosing any lab/company. The lab or the company with the best ratings, positive user reviews, and offering legal Prenatal Paternity Test for the courts must be chosen. A good company will also have the option to provide same-day test reports to the customers.