Ancestry Test

3 min readMay 7, 2021


Ancestry DNA Test can help unlock the origin and history of your family. A DNA test can reveal more information than you can imagine. Ancestry Test gives a broad picture of your ancestral lineage and genetic background. A DNA test uses the fact that a child derives half DNA from the father and another half from the mother.

Types of Ancestry Tests

  • DNA Ancestral Origin-Paternal Linage Test: The DNA passed unchanged through generations from a father to son is the test’s principle. The test examines the Y chromosome’s STRs (short tandem repeats) to trace the male ancestry. This test applies only to men as it explores lineage in the direct male line (only males have a Y chromosome). Saliva, blood, semen, hair, nails, and almost any and all body tissues can be used as a sample for DNA Ancestry Test. If females want to get this test she has to give the sample of either her father or her brother.

DNA ancestral origin maternal linage testing: The test is based on the fact that mtDNA is passed down unchanged from mother to child through several generations. The test studies multiple markers on the mtDNA to trace back the ancestral history. mtDNA is the DNA of the cell structures called mitochondria. Every individual inherits mtDNA from his/her mother and both males and females can use Maternal Lineage DNA ancestry test.

• GPS Origines Ancestry Test: The Geographic Population Structure (GPS) Origins Ancestry DNA test is a type of advanced Ancestry Test. It uses buccal swab (Saliva) samples to get the DNA for the test and digs deep into the family roots. The test combines the latest genetic research with the GPS method to determine the beginning of your history. It traces the location of the ancestral origins, including city, village, town, etc. The test results are highly accurate if your parents’ origination place is from the same country but a little less accurate if they are from different locations. The test can analyze over 730000 gene variants to explore and reveal the relevant migration journey.

DNA Starter Ancestry Test: The test determines your roots by determining your relatives’ influence on your familial history. The test studies the markers on your 22 auto some pairs to evaluate four ethnic groups: European, East Asian, Sub-Saharan African, and Indigenous American. You can use your skin, hair, blood, buccal, or saliva sample for examination.

Human history can be quite confusing considering the cultural differences some thousands of years ago and the migrations involved. The study of DNA variations can give information about where an individual’s ancestors might have come from. The study also determines relationships between families. The maternal linage (mtDNA) and paternal linage (Y chromosome) testing identify migration paths and other pieces of information related to an individual’s ancestors. These Ancestry DNA tests can be done along a strict mother’s line or a strict father’s line.




Written by Dnaforensicslab


DNA Forensics Laboratory is a private DNA testing company that specializes in offering reliable, accurate and confidential testing services.

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